Our extensive experience working with International Organizations, allows us to have a specialization approved by a quality standard ISO 9001/2001, and with the international standard NICCI1, as an International Legal Registered Cover, to provide a full legal;
This coverage is summed up by its initials in Spanish: "L.E.G.A.L." which are the FIVE needs and fundamental axes identified in studies and quality analysis global, that any International Organization must to implement to be successful in its functions and its projects:
L egal Protection is Full: Includes special attention from lawyers and notaries specialized, experts in specific legal issues, and of whatever nature relating to the Right, for resolutions of cases, in active form, effective, peaceful and conciliatory.
E mergency Law: Full coverage and legal cases that may arise, in the form of emergency, for 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.
G reat Legal protection, against any complaint of civil, administrative, labor, banking, corporate, international and all areas of the Right.
A ssistance and Permanent support, in every sphere of competence, to International Organizations.
L ogistics Legal for legal financial, through our associate exclusive: the Group of Consulting "Pineda Torres" (www.cpapt.com) ; registered in the National Banking and Insurance Commission, and that helps us implement our work in order to be able to offer this service.