Works made by CJI, to several
International Organizations worldwide

Consultores Jurídicos Internacionales C.J.I. was founded in 2004 and has been operating for 21 years nationally and internationally, with extensive experience in the legal field and specialized in International Law. Until now works with major International Organizations present in the country and at the International level.

Our work experience now extends to several countries in Europe (Italy, Germany, Spain, Netherlands), in the United States, and throughout the all Central American territory. Here is a summary of some of the most significant works and in the page PUBLICATIONS, are included reports, guides, manuals, analysis etc., which have been made ​​by C.J.I., and finally published, in the name of some of the best known International Institutions worldwide.

Years : 2004 to 2005 - Honduras

Legal counsulting for the Quesungual Fundation, with support from the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations F.A.O., during which he produced and performed the Educational Statute of the same Foundation.

Years : 2006 to 2007 - Honduras

Consulting for the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations F.A.O., and for the European Union for the "Project Semillas", wherein a Craft Producers Network was created and implemented, and the subject was published as : "LEGAL SECURITY - ARTISAN FOOD FOR SEED PRODUCTION" in Honduras.

Years : 2007 to 2011 - Spain

Consulting conducted in the "Indians Archive", located in Seville (Spain), for the German International Cooperation G.I.Z. to support the "Project PRORENA" throughout the legal process component for recovery and degree of forest areas.

Years : 2009 - Honduras

Legal consultancy services for Italian Development Cooperation, to support agricultural processes, through the legal support for the cadastre, titling and registration of agricultural land, for the "PROGRAM IRRIGATION OF THE NACAOME VALLEY".

Years : 2007 to 2011 - Italy, Nicaragua

Consulting by the Unit Right of Food, which is located in the headquarters of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations F.A.O., in Rome (Italy), for the preparation, discussion, validation (working with lawyers around the world where there is representation of the F.A.O.), and publication of the "GUIDE TO REGULATION ON THE RIGHT TO ALIMENTATION".

Years : 2007 to 2009 - Honduras

Consulting sponsored and funded by the United Nations Development Programme U.N.D.P., y del Global Environment Facility G.E.F., in collaboration with the Ministry of Agriculture of the Government of Honduras, during which there have been three Environmental Law Guide on different topics, and a Manual for Local Authorities; documents that have been published nationally and throughout the Central American territory.

Years : 2009 to 2011 - Honduras

Consulting and Legal Advisory for the System of the United Nations, for its Project "CULTURE Y DEVELOPMENT". During this process 130 companies, related to culture and Honduran roots, se registraron were formed, 100 brands and 30 patents were registered.

Years : 2010 - Honduras

Consulting for the European Union, through its Project FORCUENCAS, to investigate, validate and socialize through workshops: "PLAN OF ENVIRONMENTAL LAWS", for municipalities F.Morazán, Juticalpa, which was published as.

Years : 2011 to 2012 - Panama, Honduras, Nicaragua, El Salvador, Costa Rica, Belize

Consulting for the Project: Strengthening Policies Seed Production of Basic Grains in Support of Peasant Agriculture for Food Security in the Countries of the C.A.C., (GCP/RLA/182/SPA), or : SEEDS FOR DEVELOPMENT, by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations F.A.O.. A legal study to seed companies was conducted at Central American level; 13 seed companies legally constituted to provide legal advice to the Project; analyzed and restructured the legal framework, supporting Honduras seeds in drafting a law or regulation of a national seed and seed system and legal support for the processes of plant genetic resources.

Years : 2012 to 2013 - Italy

Consulting for the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations F.A.O. in its support project to the initiative Latin America and Caribbean Without Hunger (IALCSH), Legal component "STRENGTHENING LEGAL FRAMEWORKS FOR MAKING FOOD AND NUTRITION SECURITY" (GCP/RLA/160/SPA). During this process, a legal study of the law and regulations are made for the national S.A.N. Law in Honduras, as a contribution to Regional Good Practice Guide on Legislation S.A.N., in each of the countries of the C4: El Salvador, Guatemala, Nicaragua and Honduras.

Years : 2013 to 2014 - Italy, Honduras

Consultancy and Legal Advisory for the Italian Development Cooperation, with which is being supplied legal assistance in matters of cooperation for several agricultural companies, for export permits worldwide, health records, trademarks and patents, barcodes, environmental licenses and legal formation of companies.

Years : 2013 to 2014 - Honduras

Consultancy and Legal Advisory for the Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS UN-AIDS, for approval, ratification, signature and publication in the Official Journal LA GACETA de Honduras, o the International agreement between Republic of Honduras and UN-AIDS.

Years : 2013 to 2016 - Honduras

Consultancy and Legal Advisory for the International Non-Governmental Organization CARE, with the aim of supporting the Constitution and the legalization of various Companies, (such as Banks Credit and Savings and Federations), with legal training courses, oriented to what is written in the legal framework of the sector relative to the i_social Economy.

Years : 2015 - Honduras

Consultancy and Legal Advisory for the Development Center for the Small and Medium Business CDE MIPYME Golfo de Fonseca, and for the Organization for Cooperation and Solidarity OXFAM-QUÉBEC (member of the World Confederation OXFAM International), through its Project Support to Food Security in the basins of the Nacaome and Goascorán rivers, in Southern Honduras PRASA, for the legalization process of financial bodies and training of personnel involved in the Framework of the Agreement CDE MIPYME GF - OXFAM QUEBEC - PRASA.

Years : 2016 to 2025

Consulting and Legal Advisory for the System of the United Nations, for various legal procedures.